Travel Masters Podcast

The Mindset of Success: Accelerating Your Career Through Positive Thinking

May 02, 2024 Travel Masters Podcast Season 1 Episode 5
The Mindset of Success: Accelerating Your Career Through Positive Thinking
Travel Masters Podcast
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Travel Masters Podcast
The Mindset of Success: Accelerating Your Career Through Positive Thinking
May 02, 2024 Season 1 Episode 5
Travel Masters Podcast

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Unlock the power of a positive mindset  and discover how it can catapult your career to new heights. This episode promises to be a masterclass in melding belief with action, ensuring you come away equipped to serve better and achieve more. My special guest, Shawn Feurer, joins us to share his invaluable insights on the symbiotic relationship between a successful business and a positive outlook, particularly in the transformative world of travel sales.

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Unlock the power of a positive mindset  and discover how it can catapult your career to new heights. This episode promises to be a masterclass in melding belief with action, ensuring you come away equipped to serve better and achieve more. My special guest, Shawn Feurer, joins us to share his invaluable insights on the symbiotic relationship between a successful business and a positive outlook, particularly in the transformative world of travel sales.

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Speaker 1:

You can sell anything, but if you're going to do well in a position that requires you to sell, you have to have belief that you're doing the right thing and sometimes, when it feels professional, we have to push a little harder than we want to.

Speaker 1:

It's not high pressure, but if I know and Morris, I'll use an example from the home improvement industry 95% of home improvement contractors go out of business in the first five years. A lot of them are working out of their truck, uninsured and not doing the right work. And so if I go into the home and I'm going against two or three of those guys and they're way less expensive than me and I don't do my job and push hard enough to get the sale, and that customer buys from one of them and gets a bad job, it's my fault and I believe that. So I'm a little bit more assertive and direct in the home because I have belief that if they don't buy from me, they're not going to get a good job, they're going to get taken advantage of, they might have to buy the job twice. And so, again, it's all about reframing what I'm doing to the positive and I can do that in every single moment of every single day.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Travel Masters podcast. We're here to help travel advisors and travel agency owners get what they really want from their business. I'm Morris Sims and I'm going to be your host for our podcast. I'm an ex-chemical engineer turned life insurance agent. I got to tell you selling life insurance was a lot more fun for me than being an engineer. After a few years, they asked me to teach other people how to do what I was doing. And well, long story short, we wound up in New York City for 20 years. That was quite a change for a young Alabama boy. I retired after 20 years as the vice president and chief learning officer, where my team and I trained over 12,000 agents and their managers to be independent business owners and sales professionals. Now I'm not one to stop working, so I started my own business and I was blessed to find a sweet spot with travel professionals that I was able to help. Now I've got several travel agency consulting clients and I'm the co-founder of the Travel Masters Learning Community, where we provide opportunities for travel professionals to become more effective, efficient and to get what they want from their business.

Speaker 2:

On this podcast, I'm going to be interviewing guests that I believe are going to have a message that can be of help to you. Our travel professional community and I'll do some solo episodes as well with some other stuff that I really think can help you in your business. So, with all that said, hey, let's get this party started with today's episode. What do you say?

Speaker 2:

No matter what you're doing and I really mean that, no matter what you're doing as work or play if you don't go into it with the right mindset, everything's going to kind of fall apart for you. It just isn't going to work. At least that's been my experience. But today we've got a gentleman with us here that kind of focuses on mindset and is a professional when it comes to how to deal with that and how to build the proper mindset for going into whatever it is you're doing. And I'm really excited about talking to Sean Ferrer about this because I'm telling you it's going to be a great conversation. We look forward to a lot of great things. Thanks for being here today on the Travel Masters podcast. My name is Morris Sims and our guest is Sean Ferrer.

Speaker 1:

Sean thanks for being here, hey Morris, thank you so much for having me, and I'm so excited to get on here and realize we get to talk about vacation. Right, we're going to be talking about having some fun. I mean, I have a mantra work hard, play hard. And I work really hard when I'm working, but I can't wait to get out and play. Isn't that the truth?

Speaker 2:

Isn't that the truth? And it's so much fun to get out there. I am not a travel professional, but I tell you what I have a blast working with travel professionals and helping them grow their business from a business standpoint and a sales standpoint. And I tell you, it really does come down to what you're thinking about and how you're thinking about things, Because I know, at least for me and my business, if I'm not happy and I'm not thinking positively about what I can do to help somebody, man, it's just not good. That conversation didn't go too well, Sean.

Speaker 1:

No, no, it never does. And Morris, we didn't talk about this, you know, in our pre-conversation but I was a sales trainer. I've taught process. You know for most of my career in my home improvement company that I ran working for a national training organization and this is what drew me to the mindset work is the best process in the world. Only works the level of the belief and mindset of the individual I plug into it and so I. You know it's funny.

Speaker 1:

I just celebrated five years in business as a mindset mentor and when I first started people are like how are you going to build a business around getting people to think better? And I've built a very successful business changing lives, and it's really cool because a lot of the people are still using the same things to run their business, the same systems and process, but you hear the same 95% mindset, 5% mechanics. There's a lot of truth to that and the more we work on raising and I separate mindset into two words because it's about set points when I raise my mindset on belief, where the setting is for money, for abundance, for self-love and confidence, and I raise those setting points, I get better results in the process I'm using and you know, as we're talking about selling the dream of vacation, you know I've worked a lot with home improvement contractors and I always talk about the dream of owning a home. It's the American dream, right.

Speaker 1:

For most Americans, it's their number one investment, and vacation is when we get to take a break. And when we sell the dream of vacation and we do it with 100% belief in ourself, our process, we're going to have some really good success and we're going to change some lives. We're going to give people some relaxation time. You know, I know for me, my fondest memories are when I spent time on vacation with my kids. You know, growing up we spent a lot of time in Southern California, in Maui, in Mexico, in Lake Powell. That's what my kids remember, and so I love the opportunity to sell vacation and anybody listening. I hope you're excited for what we're going to talk about.

Speaker 2:

You know it's a blast and it really is so much fun. A number of our members are focused on Disney, for example, and it is so wonderful to know that Disney sells Disney. Just fine, we don't have to sell Disney. What we have to sell is helping people clarify their expectations and know what they want, and then help them get it. That's what it's really all about is helping people get what they want, wouldn't you agree?

Speaker 1:

A hundred percent. I love it when you talk about Disney because I lost my mom way too young and it's part of my story and where I got to mindset. She passed away at 63 years old of early onset Alzheimer's but her favorite place on this planet was the original Disneyland. I mean, growing up we lived in Utah and had season passes and I have you know even to this day and that's what the thing I mean, she's not on this earth. I have so many memories. Every time I go to Disneyland I get to feel the presence and energy of my beautiful mother, forever young, running around that park like she's in Tigger. We used to call her Tigger because she bounced from ride to ride all the good foods you know. She told me disney coke is the best coca-cola there is right, I mean, it's just that's a fun thing, and to get families that haven't experienced disneyland experience in it, what a blessing you know, and after people that we love and care about are not on this planet.

Speaker 1:

We have those memories and disney's such a. You know I love walt's original idea. I don't feel like it's always quite as friendly a place, especially with some of pricing, but the idea of the happiest place on earth where families can just go, the adults can act like kids, we can eat cotton candy and not worry about the pressures of life. What a beautiful thing to sell.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it really is. It's a wonderful thing and, as I say, the beauty is Disney does a great job of selling Disney. We just simply have to help people decide what it is they really want and help them get it, and in fact, that's the way I deal with. Consulting for my clients is OK, let's talk about what do you really want. Get clear about that, then I can help you get there. Same thing's true when we're when we're working with prospective travelers is getting a real clear idea what they want. Well, I want to go on vacation, I want to have a successful business yeah, ok, great, but let's get really down into the brass tacks of exactly what that means. And for our folks out there as travel professionals, it does come down to having the right mindset. And, sean, what's your title in your company?

Speaker 1:

So it's interesting, morris, when I went down this journey I was called an executive business coach and all these different names. I was a lead sales trainer and when I started my business as a mindset mentor and that was the term that was used I originally called myself that and a lot of times I would say I'm a reformed business coach turned mindset mentor, because I found the right process. Without the right belief doesn't work as we intended. Without the right belief doesn't work as we intended. Well, a couple of years ago I did some work with a marketing guy and he said Sean, anybody I work with, we create an expert title and I want to create an expert title. We went through this really cool process and we got to the end of it. He came up with the title Don Foyer the universal mindset disruptor.

Speaker 2:

And I want to make sure I get that right the universal mindset disruptor.

Speaker 1:

Yes, cool, all right.

Speaker 2:

And I'm going to have to explain that one brother, I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

And so we went with it, because my and I have a worthy goal. I have a big goal to impact millions of lives worldwide. We're removing self-limiting beliefs to change, to hold us all back, and so we were going to say something worldwide. But he's like, let's just say universal and then disruptor. At a subconscious level, 95% of our daily activity is pre-programmed. There's lots of studies out on this the way we comb our hair, the way we get dressed, the way we think about money, way we comb our hair, the way we get dressed, the way we think about money. So my job as a mentor is to help people understand that programming and get outside of it, because the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and with the subconscious mind we do things that we know better, right? I always say you know, you knew better, why'd you do it? I don't know, don't do that, I know. And then you do it again, right? And so my job as a mentor is to disrupt the thoughts. And so we came up with that title and I liked it, but I'll be honest, I felt a little bit funny saying it. And let's talk about belief, because if I don't believe in that title. I've never had an impact with that title and I teach a lot in event that I'd done for three years and I sent my new bio with my new fancy headshots, with my new fancy title.

Speaker 1:

And I will never forget the phone call I got, morris, because the owner of the organization, who knew me well, would see me go through some of my struggles personally and professionally and he didn't believe that title. And he called me and he said what'd you do? And he knew the guy I worked with. Is this one of his hokey titles? He goes Sean, if I introduce you from the stage with that title, I'm going to laugh. And I said perfect. And he silenced me. What do you mean? Perfect? I said perfect, introduce me, use that title, and then laugh. And as I walk on stage I'll open with hi, I'm Sean Foyer, the universal mindset disruptor. You want to know why he's laughing? And I'm not. Because he doesn't believe I'm that and I do. And I'm here today to disrupt your thinking, to get you better results. Yeah, totally.

Speaker 2:

Boom. Yeah, yeah, that's what I do, I disrupt.

Speaker 1:

I work with a lot of small business owners, a lot of sales professionals, and I love how you said that earlier. When we talk about what do you want, even for a vacation, most people will tell you what they think they can have, not what they truly want, and so my work is to help uncover what are the limiting beliefs that came from the outside world, that aren't true and aren't yours, that are keeping you from that dream job, from that dream company, from that dream relationship for this podcast, from the dream vacation. You know, if you want to go to Bora Bora and stay in the over the water bungalow, let's figure out a way to make it happen. I mean, if you're okay, morris, I have a story about over the water bungalows I could share. Sure that'd be great.

Speaker 1:

So, without going to my whole backstory, in 2014, I was three years from divorce. I was three years from losing my beautiful mother. You know I rate people on the trifecta of finance, health and wellness and relationships. I was broke, I was sick and my relationships were a mess. I ended up going on a path of self-discovery. Through the process, I found two of my beautiful mentors, bob Proctor and Jack Canfield, which, just for credibility. I'll tell the listeners. I became one of Bob's top consultants. Of a thousand worldwide mindset mentors, I was top 20, top of his organization. I went to work with Jack Canfield. I now facilitate with Jack Canfield. I don't sit in the room, I sit at the front with Jack and through this process I rebuilt my life and I met my soulmate four years ago and at 50 years old, I got married on 12-31-23, just this New Year's Eve. Well, I have two beautiful bonus daughters now.

Speaker 1:

So we didn't have a honeymoon. So we scheduled the honeymoon for over Valentine's. What do you want? What do you want? So my wife's name is Caitlin. I said Caitlin, what do you want to do for our honeymoon? We're going to go over Valentine's. I want it to be super romantic. Every year we get to celebrate our anniversary on December 31st for the New Year's Eve party. I want to create a tradition that we go somewhere amazing over Valentine's. Every year We'll do our honeymoon over and over. And she said Sean, I want to do what? Over the water bungalows? I've always dreamed about that. Let's do it.

Speaker 1:

And so we went to work and from our research and I didn't have one of your listeners to help me in the future. I'd love to have a good travel agent. But we did our own research and what we found was one Bora Bora, some really long flights. One Bora Bora, some really long flights. Uh, two, february isn't the best time of year to go. And so we went to Google and we typed in closest over-the-water bungalows to the United States. And South Coast Sandals Resort in Jamaica has over-the-water bungalows in the shape of a heart. And I looked at her and I said we just found, found it. I think it was eight hours total flight from Salt Lake City to Jamaica, 90-minute drive with a private driver.

Speaker 1:

And we spent 10 days in Paradise. Man, I mean for you guys out there selling snow south coast sandals over the water. They're expensive if you compare it to zero. They're really inexpensive if you compare it to memories you'll build there. And we spent four days in one of their honeymoon suites. We spent another four days in the over the water bungles with a private butler, with a hole in the floor where we could watch fish and Caitlin loves fish. We swam with dolphins. We sat on the back patio, we had a shower in a tub overlooking the Caribbean where we could literally stand naked like Richard Branson and be out on the back patio showering away food being delivered.

Speaker 1:

I mean, you want to talk about selling the dream? We live the dream. And if I had self-limiting beliefs, I would have shut it down and said we can't go to Bora Bora, babe, it's too expensive, it's too far. Instead, we went to what's possible. We said this is what we want. Forget about the how, decide what we really want. And we created a dream vacation by removing the self-limiting beliefs. You know, I paid for it in December. I didn't think about the cost when we were there.

Speaker 2:

I had a great time. Oh, that's fantastic. What a great story about a wonderful trip. And that's what we want to try and do is create those for our prospective travelers. All the time, and you know, when I'm working with travel advisors and helping them grow their business, that's still the first thing we talk about, sean, is, let's get clear about exactly what it is that you want, and then I'm gonna help you create the processes and the things necessary to make it easy for you to get there, and that's what we wanna do for our prospects as well as for ourselves. But you got to have the right mindset. My question for you today, kind sir, is this If I know what mindset I need to have, let's say there how do I get from where I am today to where I need to be?

Speaker 1:

Okay, and I do have a really cool process with my work with Bob Proctor. I used one of his programs, I became a product of it. I learned how to work on myself and get better mindset, how to use daily affirmation, visualization all the tools we hear about and get to a really good level. So the first decision is deciding what you want and as a sales professional, the first thing you need to have is confidence and belief in yourself. Before you can set yourself some worthy goals as an agent and even as you're working with clients on travel, let's figure out what we want and then we'll figure out the how.

Speaker 1:

Later, and I don't know you and I have talked about in any sales professional. If you haven't seen it, there's a little five to nine minute clip called coffees for closers. It's a clip from the movie for Glenn Gary Ross. You know you got out ball into the front yelling at Jack Lemons put that coffee down, coffees for closer, and you're not a closer. And then he goes to the whiteboard and he writes on there the ABC, the selling always be closing, always be closing, always be closing. And that's old school selling, right. But I take that and I apply it to you as a travel advisor, right Every single morning, when you wake up, before you have any client interaction, the first step I would take is close yourself, always be closing yourself. And three things I would focus on 100% belief on a company you're working for, 100% belief in the products and the pricing that you sell. And the third, which I find to be the most important, is 100% belief in yourself, and not that you're a good travel advisor or you're a good salesperson, but you're a good human being. You forgive yourself for mistakes you made in the past, you put away the beat up stick, you lean into self-love and confidence. And when I work with individuals and I'll show you some of the steps I take when we get belief in those three areas, we see magic happening, you know. And so how do we do that, sean? How do I get to better belief in those three things? To me and again I take a deep dive on mindset we have pillars of belief. You're going to have a pillar of belief on what you believe about the company, about what you believe about the pricing and the product, and a pillar of belief. We just want to raise those set points.

Speaker 1:

And so, if I'm an individual starting down a path. I have to first think of something I want that's beyond what I think I can have. Because in the growth thinking, if I'm somebody who's made $100,000 and I now want to make a half a million, start thinking about a half a million and the first thing that comes up are the reasons it's going to be hard, the reasons I shouldn't want that, the reasons I shouldn't I'm too tall, too short, too big, too small, too old, too young. That's where the growth is. So start thinking some bigger thoughts. Start thinking about selling more expensive vacations than you think are possible. Start thinking about tracking better clients.

Speaker 1:

Step one, step two notice the self-limiting and I call them outer limiting thoughts, because they didn't come from you. They came from other people and other experiences that you adopted as your own. As I start identifying those, I work with people on a very specific process. I'm not here to sell my process, but I'm here to tell you how it works. It's called Inner Blueprint Remodel your Mind for Success. It's 12 modules and we go through these steps.

Speaker 1:

What do you want? Module one is titled what do you want? Module two what holds you back? Module three and four about your mind. So for you, right now, decide what you want, get an income goal, get something that's outside your comfort zone, and then come up with some knots, the reason you can do it, and let's use the power of affirmation. I mean, I joke sometimes I've created, you know, a million dollar, multimillion dollar, on its way to be a hundred million dollar training organization with the power of affirmation. So I say every single day I'm so happy and grateful, now that I have a hundred million dollar personal development training organization that helps millions of people worldwide, for you to come up with a statement of the type of book of business you want to build. Use a number to program your mind to bigger numbers. Now, right after I say that every single day, I do powerful affirmations, I use I am statements. The whole other podcast is going to the deep dive on that. I've done a lot of study on the power of I am that I am, and so if I'm looking to get out of scarcity, of abundant, I'm abundant. If I lack self-love and confidence, I am love, I am confidence. Step one say your goal every day with feeling and belief. Step two say your powerful affirmations that are reprogramming your powerful mind to what you want to believe. Step three spend five minutes in gratitude. Step three spend five minutes in gratitude. I actually and for listeners, if you Google Brother David a grateful day. There's a five-minute meditation that I listen to every day. I've listened to it every day for the past five years.

Speaker 1:

He's an Austrian monk. He walks you through the exercise of what if today was your first day. What if you woke up in your life today, even a life that you're not 100% satisfied with? And for me I use the example in 2014, I was broke, sick and all alone. So this morning I pretended I was there and then I took myself. This is my first day in this beautiful house, with this beautiful wife, with this beautiful bonus daughters, these beautiful French bulldogs, with all this beautiful stuff. And if I create from that space, I'll never have a bad day. And then, in that five minutes, he also says and reminds us this is your first day in this life. It could also be your last, and so, if I make sure, like right now, I'm bringing all my energy, all my passion for mindset to this podcast, because I might not get tomorrow. So this is my first day and I'm loving it, and it could be my last day, so I'm making it count.

Speaker 1:

So I start with my goal, I go to my powerful affirmations, I go to powerful gratitude, just those three things alone. If you do that every day for six months you'll need a telescope to look back and see the person you used to be, because it will change the 95% programming that resides in your mind and once it's in your subconscious it becomes habit, it becomes a new belief. And you know there's a saying that habit is God's way of making good automatic. And I've made gratitude automatic. I don't think about being grateful, I am grateful. I don't think about, you know, abundance, I am abundant. I don't think about adding value, I am valued and the more I lean on that, more just shows up all around me. It's an inside out job and you know that more. Morris I'm speaking to the choir here I know you know this and you've dealt a lot in your sales career and in your business career and working on your own mindset. Like you said in our offline conversation, you know the power of positive thoughts. I mean thoughts are things and we can transform any situation with the power of positive thought. We can also pull it down with the power of negative. Can I share a quick story on that. It's a silly story but it's freaking powerful, sure, please.

Speaker 1:

So I'm taking my bonus daughters to middle school and high school. It's a five-minute drive there and a five-minute drive back. I drop my middle school off first. Anyone who's been through a school procedure you know the poor cross guard. The cross guard that's helping people. She's a mess or he's a mess. There's parents breaking the rules. Well, we're pulling up and my daughter likes to be on time. We're like two minutes late.

Speaker 1:

So I'm trying to get there as fast as I can. The car's in front of me. All of a sudden I realized I've stopped on the crosswalk. I'm literally and I'm stuck. I can't go forward, I can't go back. I look over. I've got the cross guard waving her stop sign, screaming at me, calling me all kinds, you idiot, you're not. I mean literally. She is going off and I'm like, and guess what? I'd already done. My gratitudes. I'm just thankful for today I'm not in any kind of negative vibration.

Speaker 1:

So I roll my window down and I have tinted windows so she can't see who's in the car. I roll it down, I pop my head out with a big smile. I'm so sorry, I'm an idiot. I was trying to move forward and didn't realize. I didn't even know I was on the stop. I'm so sorry. I will never stop on your crosswalk ever again. I apologize, I apologize. She dropped her stop sign. She got a huge grin and said thank you and have a nice day and turned around and it was really cool.

Speaker 1:

My, my daughter, was like what, what in the world just happened? And I said that's how you use positive energy, harper, to create anything you want in your life. And that's a silly example from taking my daughter to school. But you get a prospect that's honoring about vacation. How can they be honoring about vacation? Let's use our power of our mind and let's be enthusiastic and let's get them an exciting vacation and let's help them afford to pay for it and let's make some sales right. I mean sales is service and the more I serve and where I come from a place of power and confidence in what I do right, selling's easy. It really is easy.

Speaker 1:

The hard part is the 95. The hard part is getting your mind in a high state. You know tony robbins calls it state, I call it vibration. You know, if I'm trying to attract good things, I gotta get in the vibration of the good things and most of the things I want are up here high vibe. I don't want low vibe experiences. And it's an interesting process. It's an interesting process, but very powerful. An interesting process, but very powerful.

Speaker 2:

We know you've been using that word, that for a lot of people and not me, but for a lot of people it tends to cause some angst in their brain and in their body and you can kind of even see them tense up a little bit when you're talking to them and and you start using that four letter word s-a-l-e, and for some reason some folks, some folks out there really, and it's, it's honest and it's realistic and it really is the way they feel.

Speaker 2:

So I'm not I don't want to discount it, it is real, it happens and it there are folks out there that have real negative connotations about sales and you know I'll mention something about it and their first thought is, and their first words are I'm not in sales. I was talking to the lady that fixed my first set of hearing aids, adjusted and implemented my first set of hearing aids, and I said you know a lot of what you do is the same kind of work that I do of irrigates. And I said you know a lot of what you do is the same kind of work that I do. And she looked at me and was I I wanted to crawl under a table somewhere, sean, she was so upset. I am not in sales. I didn't go on with that conversation. I made a joke about it and laughed it off. But you and I both know we're all in sales every minute of every day and the best salesperson I've ever seen is the mother of a toddler or the toddler.

Speaker 1:

I had this conversation on the podcast. The toddler is the best salesperson because they don't take no for an answer.

Speaker 2:

But they're number two, they're number two behind the teenager.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yes, and I have two teenagers and they can sell their mother better than they can sell me. Oh God, yes, oh yes. And I have two teenagers and they can sell their mother better than they can sell me anything. Oh yeah, If they get seven no's, they throw a fit to get a yes. I mean, they're master salespeople. Well, Dan, two things, and I'm a disruptor.

Speaker 1:

So I want you to think about, if you're listening to this and you have a negative program on sales, where did it come from? On sales, where did it come from If you grew up in a household where you had an engineer, an accountant, a bookkeeper, somebody who was very analytical for a father and they complained all the time about this suede shoe salesman that was trying to sell them shoes, cars? They programmed that thought into you and it is just a paradigm, it's just a program. I had the blessing when I was six years old I met my stepdad to raise me. This guy could sell ice to an Eskimo. He was the best salesperson, the best sales trainer, and he taught me at a very young age the sales is service and I got to watch. So my program on sales is a positive one, he would tell me, Sean sales is the greatest profession in the world. Without a college degree, without any training, you could go out and make a couple hundred thousand dollars a year as a professional and it was interesting because his story in cells, you know.

Speaker 1:

When he was in high school he sold miracle made pots and pans in the home to couples that were way older than him. He would do a demonstration, he would add value and show he he made enough money by the time he went on his mormon mission the lds faith here that he toured the Lamborghini factory. He went all over Europe but he was always adding value. He wasn't selling for a commission and so that's my paradigm and it was so funny growing up with him I wanted to sell. When I was 16 years old I couldn't wait to sell and I look very young for my age and he's like Sean, and so if you're having that paradigm, I want you to look at that. That's a thought that was programmed. Good salespeople are professionals and then, if we look at it, kids sell their parents all day, every day.

Speaker 1:

I had to sell my wife on the fact that I was a good life partner to marry me. Sometimes I have to sell her on what I want for dinner, because she wants different things. We are selling relationally, you know. Sometimes you know that cross guard, I had to sell her that I was a good person, so she's not going to yell at me every day. You know when I, when I go, I had my daughter call me and we got married in California and she drove there and got a ticket from a toll we don't have tolls in Utah and I said, babe, call them up. You got a $200. Fine, apologize, say you know what. I'm from Utah. I was there. I taught her how to sell. She got it reduced from $200 to $27. You had to sell that. Now she's not a stealth person, she's an artist and she'd get mad if I called her a stealth person.

Speaker 2:

But he sold I taught her how to sell, and that's all we're doing in sales.

Speaker 1:

And again in mindset. Wayne Dyer used to say when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. When I change how I view myself as a sales professional because I am a professional I am adding value. You can sell anything, but if you're going to do well in a position that requires you to sell, you have to have belief that you're doing the right thing. And sometimes as a sales professional we have to push a little harder than we want to.

Speaker 1:

It's not high pressure, but if I know and Morris, I'll use an example from the home improvement industry 95% of home improvement contractors go out of business in the first five years. A lot of them are working out of their truck, uninsured and not doing the right work. And so if I go into the home and I'm going against two or three of those guys and they're way less expensive than me and I don't do my job and push hard enough to get the sell and that customer buys from one of them and gets a bad job, it's my fault and I believe that. So I'm a little bit more assertive and direct in the home because I have belief that if they don't buy from me. They're not going to get a good job, they're going to get taken advantage of. They might have to buy the job twice and again. It's all about reframing what I'm doing to the positive, and I can do that in every single moment of every single day.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, it really comes back down to what I said earlier One sale isn't going to make or break my career, but what I want to do is help people get what they want, and I've just got to help them define what they want. Once I've done that, then it's a question of here's some alternatives you can choose to get what you want In our case, a vacation, a trip. Here are three different proposals, three different alternatives.

Speaker 2:

Sean, which one of those three do you think is best for you and your family? That's it. I'm not going to push any harder than that. In our industry, that's all it takes. And they're going to say I like number two or number three or whatever. And you then say, great, in order to make sure we get a room for you there and get the one you want, we need to do a deposit. Which credit card do you want to put that on? And that's it. That's as hard as it gets, that's as pushy as it's not pushy, it's not even at all.

Speaker 2:

I can't make you do anything, sean, without you know coercing you, and that's a bad word. So if that's the case, then all I've got to do is help you understand what the alternatives are and let you choose whichever one's right for you. I'm not going to push you into one or the other. I want you to choose the one that's best for you after you have all the facts. So anyway, sean, you are the absolutely outstanding. I love your energy, I love your, your, your content. Man, we really do appreciate you being here on the travel masters podcast today hey, I appreciate.

Speaker 1:

Do you mind if I just drop my social media or my contact? So if they want to follow me, get get free information they can. I wish you would, please, sir. All right, so my name is spelled Sean S-H-A-W-N. The last name is Foyer F-E-U-R-E-R. My website is seanfoyercom. I also have a digital business card Sean F If you click on your phone, it'll pull up every social media. You'll find my LinkedIn, facebook, instagram.

Speaker 1:

There's podcasts I've been on talking more about mindset, just like we have. There's also somewhere you can schedule a call with me on there. So I ask if you like my material and you get value, you share it and that's it. I mean, I'm here today not to sell you anything. I'm here today not to sell you anything. I'm here to serve you and as sales professionals, travel advisors, you're selling the dream, you're selling vacation and your mindset matters. Think better thoughts, get better results. And, morris, thanks for doing what you do to provide an audience that I can actually speak to, that I can add value, and you're doing a lot of good and I just want to give you some gratitude and thanks for that.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you, sir. I appreciate you and appreciate what you're doing and sharing your story and the work that you've done to get to where you are today. So thank you very much, and everybody else out there. Hey, y'all, go meet somebody new. Go meet somebody new and tell them about what you do, because they're going to ask, they're going to say, gee well, what do you do? And you need to be ready to answer that question. So go out there and go meet somebody. In fact, why don't you just make this a great week? Go meet three new people and I'll tell you what. It'll change your business, it'll change your life if you get in the habit of just simply going out and making friends with folks that you don't know today. Have a great week and I'll see you again next time, right here on the Travel Masters Podcast. I'm Morris Siddharth.

Building the Right Mindset for Success
Vacation Mindset Mentorship and Impact
Mindset and Belief in Sales
The Art of Selling and Serving